Wednesday 23 May 2012

Now I'm Really Living

I unfortunately haven't lived a life as eventfull and interesting as some of you have. *Insert Big Sad Face* So whenever something happens, I write abou it. Sadly that don't happen every day. Therefore  there is one helluva time between between posts.
So what I'm going to do with this post is, write about a song.

 It's called 'Hey Man! (Now You're Really Living), by Eels. It's about someone surfacing from the dark waters of depression and sadness. I can sort of relate to it. 

The first verse says:
 Do you know what it's like to fall on the floor
And cry your guts out till you got no more
Hey man now you're really living

 I've done that myself, and you get a sort of chronic indigestion after that. I.Kid.You.Not. It's really hard to deal with when everything goes really wrong. It sort of makes you mad about everything, and mad at everyone. It's not fun. That much is for sure.
The second verse says:
Have you ever made love to a beautiful girl
Made you feel like it's not such a bad world
Hey man now you're really living

 I haven't made love to anyone, but I have definitely met someone who has been stuck with me the whole time. It feels really good to know that someone cares, and you can depend on that someone for a lot of emotional support.

 The third verse:
Now you're really giving everything
And you're really getting all you gave
Now you're really living what
This life is all about

That what it's all about. It's how the world demonstrates full circles. You get what you give. It may not be right now, but over time, everything sorts itself out. That's what really matters. (:

 Now I'm feeling really emotional. I'm going to start crying if I write any more of this. I'm at a public space, so I don't really thing that's a great idea.


  1. It's funny how many people that song has just, struck, y'know?
    It made me want to cry too. But more because it made me feel really dizzy and light more than sad.
    It's definitely one of my favourite songs

    1. You were the one who told me to listen to it... :D
