Tuesday 31 July 2012

On Every Street

There's gotta be a record of you some place 
You gotta be on somebody's books 
The lowdown - a picture of your face 
Your injured looks 
The sacred and profane 
The pleasure and the pain 
Somewhere your fingerprints remain concrete 
And it's your face I'm looking for on every street 

A three-chord symphony crashes into space 
The moon is hanging upside down 
I don't know why it is I'm still on the case 
It's a ravenous town 
And you still refuse to be traced 
Seems to me such a waste 
And every victory has a taste that's bittersweet 
And it's your face I'm looking for on every street

Saturday 21 July 2012

At Peace

I've been talking to the person in me. The other guy. We all have one. That unbelievably perfect, profound... That somebody who we aren't, but we are at the same time.

We've come to terms about certain things. He wont invade my head, and make me feel like a Schizophrenic, and I will always consult that part of my head when I'm willing to take the risk. It's like the System from the Batman Comics. When it takes over it makes you do some pretty crazy things.

I'm happy I wrote the last post, even if it cost me all my readers. I think it's essential you know who's writing what you read, so you don't go equally mad, or misunderstand something.

Sometimes I feel like a combination of the Joker from Batman, and the Sandman from Spiderman. A half-psychotic reluctant villain. I... Understand the feeling weather I like or dislike it, and I am willing to accept as part of being me.

Weather or not you read this blog, I will continue to write. It's become more of a ritual for me. I use this blog as a way of letting go, and coming to terms with myself.  

May The Force Be With You.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

What If I Told You...

I think I've become a paranoid schizophrenic. I'm afraid of thinking... Sometimes the things or thoughts that form in my head scare me. I know for a fact, that even thinking a thought can change a person, and also that persons thought processes. I'm scared of thinking thanks to this.

I was really mad at my sister at home one day. Like ultrasuperuberMAD (trying hard not to add an expletive there). I was just looking around the room, and I identified ten objects that I can easily use to... Incapacitate her. I just thought whoa! What the fuck is happening to my brain all of a sudden!

I don't play these kinds of games, watch violent movies, or anything! My head just... Created it for me.
I'm scared.

I don't want to talk to anyone anymore.

I want to slide contently into senility, with the security of isolation.

Can you help me?

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Problematic Conversation

I talk. A lot. Like you didn't know...

The problem really is, I don't know how to talk to people anymore. I feel like saying lots and talking to people and telling them they DON'T have an ugly nose and all... But... I think I've either really shy, or I don't want to overextend a relationship that just came to be. After a long time of being under cryostatis. 
I wish life would be just a tad easier. I wish you could say what you wanted, and people would understand it exactly the easy you wanted them to. Well I guess that's the fun of it. Life that is. Hard as hell to get what you want across, in the right manner and comprehension. 

I don't know if I can say this
I don't know if I should,
Whatever you say about 
You and your face,
You look really good!