Sunday 17 June 2012


Yes I'm alive. No I didn't post for a very long time. Yes I'm really sorry.
I wanted to share a conversation I had with a friend of mine.

Me: Dude, do you believe in God?
Friend: Yeah
Me: So can I ask you a few questions?
Friend: Bash on regardless! (PG Wodehouse buff) 
Me: Can God do anything?
Friend: Yeah.
Me: Can he make anything?
Friend: Definitely.
Me: So can he make a rock?
Friend: Yes.
Me: Can he make a really big rock?
Friend: Obviously.
Me: Can he make a rock larger than he can carry?

I think you got the point. He started laughing after I'd asked the last question. People I tell you. This is called using logic like a badass!

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