Friday 4 April 2014

Dark Flute and Lone Star, Jim Guthrie

Open your eyes, ever so slowly. Just a little bit at a time. Stretch your neck, open your mouth, wave your arms.


You've never seen this place before. It looks beautiful. It looks haunting. Look here look there. Look up look down.

                          "what the fuck?"

Close your eyes again. You might find yourself back in the comfort of your dreams. Get up. Get up already. The sun is rising. You feel it on your skin. You accept the warm embrace. The hair on your arms and the back of your neck stand like soldiers.


You move towards the sun. Always move towards the sun. The sun has answers for you. The sun better give you your answers. Blink, rapidly. It's bright. Look down for a second and let your pupils cower under the suddenly harsh sun.

                                                                           Look up.

You're in a desert. You see a figure stand in the distance. It gets bigger and bigger the close you get to it. You're right there. Almost there. You call out to the figure. You can't. Your mouth is dry. But wait. That figure.

                                   It's you.

Why is there a mirror in the desert? You wonder. The figure in the mirror answers.

                                                                                         "You should know, you made it."

You blink again. A confused expression on your face. "I made it?" Then it hits you. This is the barren, arid desert you've created for yourself. That's when you realise.

                    You wake up with a start.

You smile. You haven't smiled in ages. Not since...

                                                                                         "Forget it. Learn to move on. Learn to Live."

Who was that? That was a familiar voice. You decide to take it's advice. That day, you smile. You laugh. You accept. You feel the joy of being alive in this beautiful world.

You're in the desert again. This time, it's different. The air doesn't feel oppressive. Your mouth isn't dry. Your feet feel damp.

                                                       You're standing in a stream of water.

You look back up. The desert isn't... deserted.

                                                                                            You see a sapling begin to grow.


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