Sunday 31 March 2013


On the eve of a day
That's forgotten and fake
The trees they await
Clouds anticipate
The start of the day
When we put on our face
A mask that portrays
We don't need grace
On the eve of a day
That is bigger than us
But we open our eyes 'cause
We're told that we must.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Taxi Driver Man

His muslim cap clung to his head. His long black hair flowing out of the cap. He had a long, gaunt face, accented by a bushy beard that competed with Hagrid's. His head sat atop a thin, rather frail body. Garbed in the white robes of a taxi driver, he sat comfortably in the seat of his Maruti 800. He said he'd been driving her for six years now.

I was stranded at King's Circle for about a quarter of an hour. Exactly twenty two cabs had gone past. He stopped.


Here I Stand

Head in hand
Turn my face
To a wall

If she's gone
I can't go on
Feeling two
Foot small

Mother dear, why did you have to go on your ever so important buisness trip?

Monday 25 March 2013

While Death was Asleep.

Pure darkness brings forth the light of your heart. Your heartbeats power your mind. Your mind. Your mind is a sunlight chapel with blood on it's stained glass windows. On a rock above the sea. In the middle of an ocean of wine. Crimson as a rose. Like the only rose that grows in the garden of your hands. Your hands. Your pretty, delicate hands. Delicate as china. China's sweet bamboo flutes. Oh how they spew butterflies and notes that enter your ears and make your stomach full. Ears are funny shapes. They sit on your head. Beautiful head. Two eyes two ears two lips one nose. Eyes made of glass. Glass made of sand. A million grains of sand in a sandstorm. Absorbing you into it and tearing you to shreds. Your remains scatter over the lake. Lake of mercury. A planet melted into a silvery liquid. Mercury. A god. Who the fuck is god? God is love and god is hope, she tells me. Who is she? I do not know. I know not  who talks to me. She sits beside me and speaks such beautiful words. Who is she? She has the name of a Goddess, and she speaks to me of her god. Her sister of the soul, the girl I love. The girl who causes flowers to bloom in her hair and birds to sing wherever she walks. She speaks to me when I least expect her to. When I need someone and believe that all hope is lost and that soon, very soon I will die. Glorious, glorious moonshine. Have I gone mad?

Friday 22 March 2013

Watercolour Sky

I happen to be in love with the sky. Her many moods and her many emotions. The way she rains when she's angry and sad. The way she smiles and lights up the entire world when she's happy. The way she just is. No matter when, no matter where. She's all around me and I never can be without her. We talk to each other a lot. She makes funny faces. When she's all stormy and mad, I just sing to her and tell her to calm down.

I honestly think I'm mad.
Look up every now and then, will you?

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Do We Find Our Ways to Fall Apart?

Please come back. Talk to me. We can start anew. I promise. I'll forget all the stupid pointless arguments. With you. With him. Don't go away.

Can we meet up again?

Sunday 17 March 2013

Time Doesn't Fly.

She dances. She dances like a young girl. Dancing away tirelessly. Her every turn and every twirl creating events in our lives. Small insignificant us. Broken puppets on a strings about to snap. We do not know who we are. Who we are meant to be. We don't find our places in this world. They always seem to be taken by someone else.

She dances like a young girl. Full of love and life. She stops to sing when she begins to tire. Her soft sweet voice telling our stories. Telling our stories of beauty, of courage, of love, of death. We are broken puppets on strings about to snap. The show will soon end. The strings will snap. We will fall into a void of emptieness. Our souls can't fly away. They're pulled into the void. We cease to exist. We're forgotten.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Feel it in My Bones.

Enough to
Make my systems go
Welcome to the new age
To the new age

Feel the air lift you off the ground. It empowers you. Brings you back to life. It sets you down with delicate fingers. The sound resounds around you creating a wave of rising dust.

Open your eyes. Empty your mind. Start anew. Breathe.

Wake up.

Raise your flag. Don your clothes. The cloud of ash and dust settles to the ground. Feel powerful. Feel alive. You are the revolution. Look your enemies in the eye.' Smell the fear that reeks from within them. You like it, don't you? Raise your flag and dawn your clothes. The revolution is upon you. Bring down the fools who sit on their high chairs. The taller the are, the louder the sound of them crashing down to the earth will be.

The sun hasn't died. The night is young. It's all within you. Deep in your bones. Straight from inside. Don't give up. Fight.

You're radioactive.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

An Ode to Sleep.

Oh but I'll stay awake. The dark aint taking prisoners tonight. Oh I'm not scared of the morning. I don't hear thise voices calling. I swear I've heard demons yelling. Those crazy words they were spelling. They told me I was gone.

I'll tell them.

Why wont you let me go? I'm giving away all my sins now. I'm insignificant. Please tell them you. You have no plans for me. Oh I will set my soul on fire. What have I become? I'm sorry.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Or is it Just Madness?

I've tried so hard to let you go.
But some kind of madness.
Is swallowing me whole.
Emotions run through your nerves. Electrochemical currents. Taking over your head. You slowly go blind. You slowly go deaf.
You slowly go dumb. And then you have no control over yourself. You wake up to a new world. You wake up to a new dream. You wake up and you can hear. You wake up and you can talk. You wake up and you can see. You have finally see the light. You have finally realized. What you need. You need to love. Don't deny it it. There's nothing wrong. But you go back to sleep. That's the problem. Which one is a dream? Which one is reality? Maybe you don't want to know.

Cascading Tears

Breath. Don't forget to. Inhale. Inhale the toxins and the chemicals. Inhale the anguish and the anger and the angst. Inhale the pain. Then let it all out. With cascading teardrops. Jumping happily up and down your face. You cry because you are sad. Your tears are happy. Learn from them. Dont be a steryotype. Let all your sadness out. Scatter it farther away with every breath. You don't need it. You don't want it. Who does? Me? No.

Monday 4 March 2013

And Heaven is in Sight.

I turn the music up
I've got my records on
For underneath the rubble
Sing a rebel song
Don't want to see another
Generation drop
I'd rather be a comma
Than a full stop

Twelve hours, twenty seven minutes

And fourty two seconds. Almost a day. It's a very, very long time for me. Don't know about you. Maybe it doesn't trouble you. You probavly haven't notced, so I don't really know why it's so traumatic for me. You know I'm paranoid, don't you. You know I'm really scared of stupid small things like this. Still troubles me.
It's for the best you didn't listen.
It's for the best we keep our distance?

Saturday 2 March 2013

Strobe Heartbeat.

The moon is a thief. It steals light from the sun. We know this, dont we? Or do we. We like to believe in moonlight. Not stolen sunlight. Moonlight. Filling your empty head with a million beautiful thoughts.   Making us believe in a million things. Hope. Is that what you call it? Hope. Interesting word. Interesting four letter word. Love. Hope. Are they the same? Are they all we live for? Or are they our killers? Questions. Roll them over your tongue. Roll them over your mind. They taste wonderful, don't they? I didn't get it at first. There is no secret ingredient to the secret ingredient soup. It's a lie. There is. It's you. It's belief. It is hope. It is love. You're right. You were from the start.

Friday 1 March 2013

There is no Home to go to.

I told you. I'm blind. I told you. I can't see. I toldy you. You see the world full of colours, but all I see is black and white. I see my life in a greyscale where everything is wrong an nothing feels right. But you're right. We do find our god. Every teardrop is a waterfall.

Go back to sleep.